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A Coffee Creamer is a delicious low-carb, dairy-free, paleo, gluten-free powder enriched with Coconut milk, MCTs and Grass-fed Collagen that can be added to hot and cold drinks, pancakes treats and more. MCTs in coffee creamers add a creamy texture and taste to food and drink. "Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) have been used to overcome metabolic and digestive insufficiencies for decades, including fat malabsorption and pancreatic insufficiency. They are a type of fat readily absorbed to efficiently generate energy and reduce body fat production whilst showing protective effects on the cardiometabolic system. Adding MCT to a morning coffee/tea can maintain the ketosis state of an overnight fast whilst also negating blood sugar spikes and crashes of a morning cup of coffee on an empty stomach. This can aid weight loss efforts while keeping the mind clear, calm and focused on getting your

If you're a pet owner, you've probably heard of the many benefits of coconut oil. This versatile oil has become increasingly popular as a natural remedy for various human ailments, including skin and hair health, digestion, and immune system support. But did you know coconut oil can also benefit your furry friends? In this article, we'll explore the uses and benefits of coconut oil for pets and some precautions you should keep in mind. In the photo: Meet Jokks. Jokss is our favourite and only 4-legged family member. He is our 14-year-old man who loves long naps, belly rubs, and two walks a day. Unfortunately, he suffers from allergies and skin conditions, so he has a special diet and needs relief from skin irritations. Using coconut oil for pets assists with their overall health and well-being. Coconut oil can help relieve pet skin conditions

Hi, and welcome to The Coconut Store, your one-stop shop for nourishing and healthy coconut products for the pantry, skin, body, home, and pets. I am Reena, I am an everyday person seeking to live my best life by making healthy and better choices. I've found coconut products are a great addition to what I use, as well as a great alternative to some types of oils, flours and creams. I was born in Fiji, living there for only a short while, yet grew up with a lot of the cultural ways.  Coconuts were always in the house and used in many aspects of life - food, drink, hair oil, skin creams. It was the Fiji way of life. Wellness is a path I’ve found myself on for some time, starting with working in a spa environment and then learning about and understanding