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Low FODMAP vs. High FODMAP Coconut Products

FODMAP and Coconut: Are Coconut Products Low FODMAP?

Overseeing a low-FODMAP diet requires a meticulous examination of food choices, particularly when it comes to coconut products. This article will address the pivotal question of which coconut products have low FODMAP. A fundamental aspect of this post revolves around understanding the FODMAP content inherent in various coconut products. This is for individuals adhering to a low-FODMAP diet, aiming for clarity on the compatibility of coconut-based choices within their dietary restrictions.

What is FODMAP?

FODMAPs, an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, are a group of short-chain carbohydrates that can trigger digestive symptoms in some individuals. These include fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides, lactose, excess fructose, and polyols like sorbitol and mannitol.

Low FODMAP vs. High FODMAP Coconut Products


  • Low FODMAP: Foods that contain lower amounts of these fermentable carbohydrates, making them more suitable for individuals sensitive to FODMAPs. Individuals with conditions like IBS often follow low-FODMAP diets to manage symptoms.
  • High FODMAP: Foods rich in fermentable carbohydrates, which can cause digestive discomfort for some individuals, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other functional gastrointestinal disorders.

Low-FODMAP Coconut Products

Within low-FODMAP dietary considerations, the evaluation of coconut products takes centre stage. When following a low-FODMAP diet, understanding the FODMAP content of different coconut products is crucial. Here’s a breakdown:

Coconut Oil for a Low-FODMAP Diet

Include coconut oil confidently in your low-FODMAP diet for a safe and flavorful cooking experience. Considered as low-FODMAP, coconut oil enhances your meals’ taste and nutritional value. Both refined and unrefined coconut oils are low in FODMAP. Easily add it to your cooking, ensuring a delicious and digestion-friendly touch to your favourite dishes. Enjoy the benefits of coconut oil without compromising your low-FODMAP lifestyle, making every meal both tasty and comfortable!

If you’re into cooking or baking, check out coconut oil smoke point here:The Difference between Solid Coconut Oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil” and “Unrefined Coconut Oil Vs Refined Coconut Oil: Which One is the Better Choice?”

Coconut – Shredded and Dried (Low FODMAP)

Shredded and dried coconut, including desiccated and flaked varieties, emerge as a delectable addition to a low-FODMAP diet. In controlled quantities, these dried coconut forms are low-FODMAP, making them a flavorful choice. Keep portion sizes in check to ensure adherence to recommended limits and savour the tropical essence of shredded and dried coconut without compromising your FODMAP-friendly culinary journey. Check out our 30g pack of Organic Coconut Confetti with Superfoods Mix (in shredded, desiccated, and flaked options).

Coconut Cream (Low FODMAP)

In its pure form without added ingredients, coconut cream is low-FODMAP and can be used in various recipes.

Coconut Yoghurt (Low FODMAP)

Opt for coconut yoghurt with no added high-FODMAP ingredients, making it a suitable choice for those following a low-FODMAP diet. This ensures a delicious and gut-friendly alternative for individuals on a low-FODMAP routine.

Coconut Products That Need Portion Control

Coconut Water (Limit to Small Servings)

While coconut water is generally considered low in FODMAPs, keeping portions in check is essential, especially when following a low-FODMAP diet. Consuming a “modest serving” of around 100ml is typically acceptable on this diet. However, caution is advised with larger servings, exceeding 250ml, as they may contain higher levels of fructans and sorbitol, which could potentially induce symptoms.

Enjoying coconut water in small servings ensures proper hydration without overwhelming your FODMAP intake. With its natural electrolytes and refreshing taste, controlled consumption allows individuals to benefit from coconut water’s goodness within the limits of a low-FODMAP diet. By staying within the specified serving size, individuals can enjoy the hydrating qualities of coconut water without compromising digestive comfort.

Coconut Milk (limit to small servings)

Most UHT coconut milk is low FODMAP at 125ml servings, but canned coconut milk becomes high FODMAP at 1/2 cup or more. Both types are low-FODMAP, at 1/2 cup or less. Larger servings (150ml or more) of UHT coconut milk contain moderate to high levels of oligosaccharides and should be avoided.

Coconut Aminos (limit to small servings)

Coconut aminos, a savoury alternative to soy sauce, enhance flavours without the high sodium content. However, exercise caution with portion sizes to prevent exceeding FODMAP limits. Coconut aminos may contain trace amounts of oligosaccharides, classified as a type of FODMAP. According to Monash University, coconut aminos are low in FODMAP in 1 teaspoon servings, but larger serves can reach high FODMAP levels. While it adds a delicious umami note to dishes, moderation ensures FODMAP intake remains within safe parameters, making coconut aminos a suitable and flavorful choice for those following a low-FODMAP diet.

Fresh Coconut Flesh (Low to Moderate FODMAP)

According to Monash University, fresh coconut is classified as low FODMAP in servings up to 64g, equivalent to approximately 2/3 cup. This indicates that smaller portions of fresh coconut are generally well tolerated within a low-FODMAP diet. However, caution is advised when consuming larger servings of 96g, or around 1 cup, as they contain moderate amounts of sorbitol—a sugar alcohol that belongs to the polyol FODMAP group. Sorbitol, recognised as a FODMAP compound, can contribute to digestive discomfort in some individuals. The FODMAP content escalates in larger quantities, specifically in servings of 1 cup, making it necessary for individuals to be mindful of their portion sizes to manage their intake of sorbitol and other FODMAPs.

Fresh coconut flesh, falling within the low to moderate FODMAP range, remains a delectable addition to various dishes. It is crucial for individuals to be attentive to their individual tolerance levels, especially considering the sorbitol content in larger servings.

Coconut Products That Are High FODMAP

Coconut Sugar (High FODMAP)

Derived from the sap of coconut palm trees, coconut sugar is high-FODMAP, making it unsuitable for individuals adhering to a low-FODMAP diet. This natural sweetener contains excess fructose, which can lead to digestive discomfort in sensitive individuals. The high levels of excess fructose contribute to its classification as a FODMAP, specifically in larger quantities. Those with IBS or similar conditions are advised to steer clear of coconut sugar to avoid potential gastrointestinal issues. Alternatives such as glucose syrup or maple syrup may be more suitable for those seeking sweeteners that align with a low-FODMAP lifestyle.

Tips for baking with Coconut Flour to ensure success

Coconut Flour (High FODMAP)

Derived as a by-product of coconut milk production, coconut flour has garnered attention, particularly in the context of FODMAP content. Monash University’s meticulous testing has shed light on its FODMAP profile, categorising coconut flour as high FODMAP. The comprehensive analysis reveals elevated levels of excess fructose, fructans, and sorbitol, components that may pose challenges for individuals sensitive to certain FODMAPs. If you are following a low-FODMAP diet, be aware that other high-FODMAP flours include amaranth, wheat, chestnut, spelt, kamut, lupin, spelt, barley, and rye. Exploring alternative low-FODMAP flours such as corn, millet, quinoa, rice, buckwheat, sorghum, and teff is advisable. These alternatives serve as low-FODMAP options, allowing you to enjoy diverse recipes while aligning with the dietary restrictions of a low-FODMAP approach.

Beyond the FODMAP classification, coconut flour’s fibre content introduces another layer of consideration. While fibre is generally well-tolerated on a low-FODMAP diet, specific types of fibre can exacerbate symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It’s not just about the quantity of fibre but also the specific types that can impact symptoms. Recent research underscores that coconut flour comprises 60.9% total dietary fibre, encompassing 56.8% insoluble fibre and 3.8% soluble fibre. While coconut flour has a high total dietary fibre content, it may not necessarily be problematic for everyone, and it’s the specific types of fibre that can influence IBS symptoms. The insoluble fibre in coconut flour contributes to its overall fibre content, and while insoluble fibre is generally well-tolerated on a low-FODMAP diet, individual responses can vary.

Low FODMAP Coconut Foods for the Holidays

When it comes to creating a low-FODMAP Christmas menu (or any celebration), incorporating coconut-based options can add a delightful twist to your festivities. From condiments to desserts and vegetarian choices, here’s a tantalising exploration of low-FODMAP coconut-infused possibilities.

Coconut-Based Condiments:

  • Low-FODMAP Coconut Aminos: Swap traditional soy sauce with low-FODMAP coconut aminos to infuse your dishes with a savoury, umami flavour. This condiment is a versatile addition to marinades, stir-fries, and dipping sauces.
  • Coconut Oil Dressings: Elevate your salads with dressings featuring coconut oil. Its light, tropical notes can complement a variety of greens, providing a low-FODMAP alternative to traditional dressings.

Delectable Coconut Desserts:

Easy Chocolate Gummies Mix Recipe by The Coconut Store

Easy Chocolate Gummies Mix

Easy Chocolate Gummies is a delightful way to enjoy a sweet treat while adhering to your low-FODMAP lifestyle. The combination of cocoa and pure maple syrup provides a satisfying chocolatey flavour without introducing high-FODMAP ingredients. Remember to savour these in moderation, ensuring a happy balance between indulgence and FODMAP adherence.

Coconut and Dark Chocolate Bliss Balls

Satisfy your sweet tooth with these easy-to-make coconut and dark chocolate bliss balls. The combination of coconut, a hint of sweetness, and the richness of dark chocolate ensures guilt-free indulgence. Remember to keep portions moderate to stay within your FODMAP limits. You may also want to check out our easy-to-make Coconut Confetti Chocolate Balls Recipe.

Coconut Confetti Chocolate Balls Recipe

Coconut Confetti Chocolate Balls are an excellent snack for parties, and they go exceptionally well with a cup of tea, coffee, or a glass of milk. These delightful treats offer a perfect blend of chocolatey goodness, and the addition of coconut confetti creates a satisfying indulgence for any occasion.

FODMAP-Friendly Coconut Panna Cotta

This creamy and delicious dessert, infused with the tropical essence of coconut and adhering to low-FODMAP guidelines, is the perfect way to conclude a meal. Pair it with a fresh Berry Compote made from low-FODMAP fruits for added flavour and visual appeal.

Low-FODMAP Coconut and Raspberry Sorbet

Beat the heat with a refreshing coconut and raspberry sorbet that aligns with a low-FODMAP diet. This fruity and coconut-infused treat is simple to prepare, requiring minimal ingredients. The natural sweetness of raspberries complements the coconut, providing a satisfying and digestive-friendly dessert option. Remember to keep portions in check to maintain FODMAP adherence.

Enjoy Low-FODMAP Festive Treats with Coconut!

Coconut Flour Baked Goods

Low-FODMAP baking using coconut flour: from cookies to muffins to satisfy your sweet cravings. While coconut flour is generally categorised as high FODMAP, it’s important to understand that the FODMAP content can vary depending on factors such as serving size and processing methods. Check out our Choc Chip Cookies and Best Ever Cacao, Banana, and Choc Chip Bread recipes here.

Best Ever Cacao, Banana and Choc Chip Bread Recipe by The Coconut Store

Here’s a nuanced exploration of how coconut flour can still find a place in low-FODMAP baking:

FODMAP Considerations:

1. Serving Size Matters:

The Monash University FODMAP app and research indicate that small servings of coconut flour may be tolerated by some individuals following a low-FODMAP diet. Moderation is key, and experimenting with smaller amounts can help assess personal tolerance levels.

2. Processing Methods Influence FODMAP Content:

The way coconut flour is processed can impact its FODMAP composition. Some commercially available coconut flours undergo processing that reduces FODMAP content, making them potentially more suitable for low-FODMAP diets.

***Moderation is key, and individual tolerance levels vary.

Low FODMAP Baking Tips:

1. Start with Small Amounts:

Begin by incorporating small amounts of coconut flour into your recipes. This allows you to gauge your body’s response and determine your individual tolerance levels.

2. Combine with Low FODMAP Alternatives:

Blend coconut flour with other low-FODMAP flour, like rice flour or oat flour, to dilute the FODMAP concentration in your baked goods. This approach can enhance the texture and flavour while keeping FODMAP levels in check.

3. Experiment with Recipes:

Explore recipes that balance coconut flour with ingredients known to be low in FODMAPs. This strategic combination can help create delicious baked goods while minimising the potential for FODMAP-related symptoms.

***For those who still want to include coconut flour in their low-FODMAP diet, some commercially available coconut flours undergo processing that reduces their FODMAP content.

While coconut flour is typically considered high-FODMAP, its inclusion in low-FODMAP baking is not impossible. Understanding individual tolerance, exploring processing methods, and experimenting with recipes can contribute to a more nuanced and personalised approach to incorporating coconut flour into a low-FODMAP diet. Always consult with a healthcare professional or dietitian for personalised advice tailored to your specific dietary needs.

Vegetarian Coconut Options:

Coconut Milk-Based Curries

Craft flavorful and low-FODMAP vegetarian curries using coconut milk as a base. Its creamy texture enhances the richness of the dish, providing a delightful option for plant-based holiday feasts.

***Coconut milk is generally low in FODMAP in moderate servings, but individual tolerance may vary. The choice of vegetables and other ingredients in the curry may impact its overall FODMAP content.

Coconut, vege and salmon summer salad

Coconut, Vege and Salmon Summer Salad

Enjoy a refreshing and nutritious summer salad featuring a delightful combination of coconut, assorted vegetables, and succulent salmon. This dish is not only a feast for the taste buds but also a powerhouse of essential nutrients.

***Ensure the salad includes low-FODMAP vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, or cherry tomatoes.

Coconut and Mango Salsa

Add a tropical twist to your summer gatherings. Prepare a vibrant coconut and mango salsa to serve as a refreshing topping for grilled vegetables or a light side dish.

***Mangos can be high in FODMAPs, specifically fructose. The FODMAP content depends on the quantity used.

Coconut-Crusted Tofu Bites

Transform tofu into a crunchy delight by coating it with a coconut crust. Bake or air-fry for a delicious and wholesome snack, or add these bites to your favourite Buddha bowl.

***Tofu is low in FODMAP, and the coconut crust should not significantly contribute to FODMAP levels. Be mindful of other ingredients and portion sizes.

Quinoa and Coconut Stuffed Bell Peppers

Create a wholesome and nutritious meal by stuffing bell peppers with a delightful mixture of quinoa and coconut. This fusion dish is a perfect balance of flavours and textures.

***Quinoa is considered low-FODMAP in moderate servings. Choose low-FODMAP vegetables for stuffing.

Coconut and Sweet Potato Curry

Try the comforting flavours of a coconut and sweet potato curry. This hearty dish not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a healthy dose of nutrients.

***Sweet potatoes are low-FODMAP in specified amounts. The FODMAP content depends on the choice of spices and other ingredients.

Coconut and Avocado Spring Rolls

Add appetisers with coconut and avocado spring rolls. These light and refreshing rolls offer a burst of tropical flavours.

***Avocados can be high in FODMAPs, specifically sorbitol. Consider the quantity of avocado used in the spring rolls.

Coconut-Infused Stir-Fries

Elevate your vegetarian stir-fries with the addition of coconut oil or coconut aminos. These ingredients bring a unique depth of flavour while adhering to low FODMAP guidelines.

As you plan your low-FODMAP holiday menu, these coconut-centric options ensure that you don’t have to compromise on taste or variety. Whether you’re whipping up condiments, desserts, or vegetarian delights, low-FODMAP coconut choices promise a festive and flavorful culinary experience.

How to Incorporate Low FODMAP Coconut Aminos:

  1. Marinades: Enhance the flavour profile of your meats and proteins by incorporating coconut aminos into your marinades. Its savoury undertones will infuse your dishes with a delicious and FODMAP-friendly touch.
  2. Stir-Fries: Stir-fry with the versatility of coconut aminos. Whether you’re preparing a vegetable stir-fry or a protein-packed dish, this condiment adds depth and richness without compromising on FODMAP restrictions.
  3. Dipping Sauces: Create tantalising dipping sauces by combining coconut aminos with other low-FODMAP ingredients. Use it as a dip for sushi, spring rolls, or any other favourite snack, ensuring a burst of flavour without the worry of high FODMAP content.

Serving Size Reminder:

While embracing the savoury benefits of low-FODMAP coconut aminos, it’s essential to practice portion control. Stick to recommended serving sizes to maintain FODMAP adherence and avoid potential triggers for digestive discomfort.

Summing Up

Coconut products within a low-FODMAP diet requires an understanding of individual tolerances. While several coconut options align with low-FODMAP guidelines, acknowledge that each person’s digestive system is unique.

As we explore coconut sugar, coconut flour, and various coconut-infused holiday recipes, it’s essential to recognise that what works well for one individual may differ for another. The introduction of these coconut products into a low-FODMAP diet should be approached with a gradual and mindful strategy.

Individuals are encouraged to observe and monitor their body’s response and consider factors such as serving sizes, processing methods, and personal sensitivities. The diversity of coconut-based choices, from condiments to desserts and vegetarian options, allows for a rich and flavorful low-FODMAP culinary experience.

Ultimately, the key to successfully incorporating coconut products into a low-FODMAP lifestyle lies in an individualised approach. By being attuned to your body’s signals and consulting with healthcare professionals or dietitians, you can curate a delightful and digestive-friendly culinary journey tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Check the Monash University FODMAP Diet App for more information.

Can you eat coconuts on the FODMAP diet?

Yes, you can include certain forms of coconut in a low-FODMAP diet. While coconut meat, coconut oil, and coconut cream are generally considered low FODMAP, it’s crucial to be mindful of portion sizes to adhere to FODMAP guidelines.

Is coconut high in fructose?

Coconut is not high in fructose. In fact, coconut is known for its low fructose content, making it a suitable choice for individuals following a low FODMAP diet. It’s important to distinguish between different coconut products, as the FODMAP content may vary.

Is coconut sugar OK for the FODMAP diet?

Coconut sugar is not recommended for a strict low-FODMAP diet. It contains high levels of excess fructose and is classified as high FODMAP. Consider alternatives such as glucose or dextrose for sweetening options within the FODMAP guidelines.

Products to check out if you’re on a low-FODMAP diet:

  1. Organic Brown Rice Syrup | The Wholefood Pantry | Nutra Organics
  2. GoodMix Superfoods Blend 11 (Wholefood Breakfast Booster)
  3. GoodMix Superfoods Blend 13 (Paleo Breakfast Booster)

Are you ready to take control of your gut symptoms?

Empowering yourself with knowledge about FODMAP content in various foods, including coconut, is crucial in controlling gut symptoms. By making informed choices and being mindful of portion sizes, individuals can enjoy a diverse and flavorful diet while managing FODMAP intake effectively.

Read our blogs here:

  1. GoodMix Muesli That Is Good For Your Gut
  2. Healthier Microbiome: Coconuts as Dairy Alternative for Your Gut
  3. How Can Coconuts Improve Your Gut Health?



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